Friday 29 June 2012

29/06/12 class 5 A weekly review


                                                 GRADE- 5A                           29.06.12

Greetings to all.

UOI – This week your child understood the working of his lungs by inflating and deflating the balloons. Your child understood the right way of inhaling and exhaling .Listen to your child describe the pathway of air. It would be nice of you to find some time to discuss the ways by which we can keep our heart and lungs healthy.

Maths – In Maths your child learned to add and subtract 9 digit numbers. They also started learning to solve the word problems. Please help your child to revise the multiplication tables up to 15 as this would be of great help during the next week.

English – Every Monday your child gets an opportunity of stepping out of the homeroom and learning in the open space. Children read the lesson on “Shipwreck” aloud. They learnt the “reflexive and personal” pronouns.

Today during the extended time, we had the story telling completion for grade-5.
Next week your child will inquire into the bones of the skeletal system.

We are happy that some of you are really spending time with your child in finding
What he/she has been learning at school. We request all of you to give your feedback in the school diary every Friday. Please reflect on UOI, Maths and English. You could also mention your concerns if any. Kindly ensure that your child is doing the maths assignment and submitting the books on Monday.

Wishing you a happy weekend.

Home Room teachers

Ms Newshee
Ms Rema

1 comment:

  1. Is shipwreck a story or a novel or a poem and who is the author?
